Today for Pink Saturday I thought I would share my two vintage sewing baskets. This one came from a garage sale last year, and it sits on a bookshelf in our bedroom. It holds miscellaneous junk.
This is another shelf on that same bookshelf.
This sewing basket came from Ebay, and I think I won it for $2. Again, no sewing supplies in this one either!
An old plastic flower in a jar.
This is an old Fannie May candy box.
I was told it was supposed to be used as a glove or handkerchief box after you ate the candy.
Sorry that it's looking more purpley than pink. It's very gloomy outside. But can you see where it says Fannie May there in the corner?
And there is a mirror inside. Do you suppose it was there so that you could watch yourself pop those chocolates in your mouth?
I'm using it to store my vintage hankie collection. Some of these were my Grandma's, and alot of them have pink in them!
And I had to share all of these goodies that I won from Jaqueline's giveaway! Lots of pink things in there, and I especially love the cupcake! Thanks Jackie!
If you have the time, please pay a visit to RUST & RUFFLES. Janis has the prettiest pictures in each and every post. Check out her post on July 20th. I'm sure you'll be just as dazzled as I was!
Now please head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly hosts Pink Saturday every week, and you will find a list of all the other Pinkies!