Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds! It feels good to have some things to share, because it's been slow going since garage sale and flea market season ended.

It must be all of the seed catalogs that's giving me a case of Spring Fever! Because I was drawn to all things floral and Spring-y colored.
Did I need an old rotary phone, in a nice sunshiney yellow color? Why yes, yes I did! It was only 50 cents, and as soon as I find my phone adapter, I'll let you know if it works.
It's always a good day when I find some Pyrex, but when it's got flowers or veggies on it, I have an extra bounce in my step as I almost skip to the register!
I'm crazy about the design on this fabric. I've made dining room curtains, bathroom curtains, and couch pillows with this design, but all with the cream colored background. When I saw the same design, but in this beautiful blue background, at 50% off per yard, I knew that I have to remake the couch pillows. And possibly everything else that I've made with the cream background. Oh, and it also comes in a yellow background......
And this tiny cup and saucer covered in violets came home too. I am not a cup and saucer type of girl, but as I said earlier, I was feverish and in need of some Spring-like decor. It's all just in time for the Blizzard Watch that we're under. They're not even saying how much snow we could get, and that makes me nervous. It says "Heavy Snow" for Tuesday night. Hey East Coasters, help me out. What does Heavy Snow mean?????