Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Weekend Finds-Spring Fever!

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds! It feels good to have some things to share, because it's been slow going since garage sale and flea market season ended.

It must be all of the seed catalogs that's giving me a case of Spring Fever! Because I was drawn to all things floral and Spring-y colored.

Did I need an old rotary phone, in a nice sunshiney yellow color? Why yes, yes I did! It was only 50 cents, and as soon as I find my phone adapter, I'll let you know if it works.

It's always a good day when I find some Pyrex, but when it's got flowers or veggies on it, I have an extra bounce in my step as I almost skip to the register!

I'm crazy about the design on this fabric. I've made dining room curtains, bathroom curtains, and couch pillows with this design, but all with the cream colored background. When I saw the same design, but in this beautiful blue background, at 50% off per yard, I knew that I have to remake the couch pillows. And possibly everything else that I've made with the cream background. Oh, and it also comes in a yellow background......

And this tiny cup and saucer covered in violets came home too. I am not a cup and saucer type of girl, but as I said earlier, I was feverish and in need of some Spring-like decor. It's all just in time for the Blizzard Watch that we're under. They're not even saying how much snow we could get, and that makes me nervous. It says "Heavy Snow" for Tuesday night. Hey East Coasters, help me out. What does Heavy Snow mean?????

Friday, January 28, 2011


Will you be my Pink Valentine?! I made these little decorations last year, and they're now hanging on my green cabinet.

A vintage candy box, sitting on an old biscuit tin/sewing basket, with pink flowers on it.

A vintage valentine that I got for 25 cents. There is a booth at one of the antique malls that sells all of their vintage cards for that price, and she always has tons of them. Inside it says:

You're just as truly my Sweetheart now
As in our single days,
But a nearer, dearer Sweetheart
In a thousand sweeter ways.

Awwwww! How come cards don't say such sweet things these days?! Did you notice the quilt that the card is sitting on? My sister made it for me for Christmas, and it's loaded with vintage fabrics. I wish I could have just one yard of that fabric to the left, with all of the cute pink clocks!
If you would like to see more pinks, why not head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly hosts this pink lovin' party each week!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I know I've been complaining nonstop about how horrible thrifting is right now, but I stopped griping for a few days when I found this cute little girl, with her red telephone. Isn't she cute? She's chippy, and someone repainted her little red pants, but I'm ok with that, because She's So Cute! But I AM back to complaining about the horrible thrifting again!

I decided not to go too crazy with the Valentine decorating this year.

A close-up of some of my vintage valentines.

The dining room table, the way it looks for now.

A close-up, all thrift finds except for the plate on the right, which was from Hobby Lobby a couple of years ago. I normally don't buy "new" things, but at 50 cents, the cheap side of me couldn't resist!
If you would like to see more reds, please visit It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Valentines Crafts And An Important Question

Since it's been so cold outside the last few days, I decided to do a little crafting for Valentine's Day! Two lovebirds sitting on a picket fence.

A wee little heart, with a golden cherub. The sheet music that I used proclaims it to be "Waltz Time"!

I found several of these dome-shaped thingies at Goodwill last year after Christmas.

I put a little dolly that my friend Jackie gave me inside, along with a bluebird perching on a picket fence. I must have taken at least 50 shots of this thing. Either the flash or the lights created a glare, and the only half way decent one was this one, with it dangling off the back door window. Oh, and in case you were wondering, YES I do have an obsession with picket fences!

And now, I would like to congratulate my beloved Green Bay Packers on their win against the Bears, on their way to the Super Bowl!!!!

Now my question is this: Would you like to see a picture of me in my cheesehead hat sometime between now and the Super Bowl? If the majority of you vote yes, I will post a picture of myself in full Packer regalia, including cheesehat, jersey, beads and earrings. Now that you have been fully informed as to what this picture will consist of, vote very carefully.....

Friday, January 21, 2011


Only a couple of pinks to share this week! Hopefully thrifting will get better real soon and I'll be able to add more pink to our home!

I found this old bottle of perfume at the flea market last summer. When I took a whiff, it only smelled alcohol-y, but I bet when it was brand new it smelled pretty sweet!

And next door to the perfume bottle is a really old cup, with the sweet sentiment "Remember me".

And for my last pink entry this week, a pair of vintage pillowcases. After Googling the tags, I found out that these are old ticking cases, meant for feather pillows. They had never been used, and now I think they've spoiled me for any other kind of pillowcase!
If you'd like to see some fabulous pinks, head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly is our gracious hostess!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rearranging The Kitchen For REDnesday!

Well, after my unintended week-long break from the computer, I'm ready to start blogging again! I threw my back out, but now that it's feeling better, I decided to do a little rearranging in the kitchen.

You've probably seen all of these red things before. Alot of them were waaaaay up on a shelf, so I decided to bring some things down and redo my counters. My sister gave me this cake carrier a few years ago, and I've fallen in love with it all over again!

Thrifting has been horrible, so I thought that playing around with the things that I already had would tide me over 'til that next great thrifty find. I can already tell that it's going to be a very long winter!

I'm really liking how all of these things look in their new spots around the kitchen. Ok, so that distracted me for all of an hour. Now what to do? I wonder if they've gotten anything new in at the thrifts. Probably not. How long 'til garage sale season starts? Three months at the very earliest. I better go see what's new on Ebay!
If you would like to see more reds, head over to It's A Very Cherry World. Sue hosts this party every week, and she's always got some great reds to share!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Valentine Crafts For REDnesday!

It's about to get very Valentine-y over here! I intend to start decorating for Valentine's Day soon, but I'm kind of enjoying the lull between holidays right now. But now does seem like a good time to do some crafting celebrating the day of love!

I knew I wanted to make something in one of those huge paper mache hearts that you can get at Hobby Lobby, so when I found these vintage Napco kissing angels at a thrift store last week, I knew right away that they were just what I was looking for.

Oh look! Look in their hands! They're about to exchange hearts!

This is the lid from the heart box, and I call this one Sweetheart Cottage. But it needs something more. Any ideas?

This old candy box came from the thrift store last week too. Did you know that there was a period of several years where I wouldn't eat chocolate, because I heard that it could trigger migraines, which I suffered from? Lately I've been eating a few pieces a day, and do you know that I've been ok? And do you know that this Valentine's Day I'm going to make up for lost time in a big way?! Mr. Old Glory, if you're reading this, I want a big old heart-shaped box of chocolates this year!
If you'd like to see more reds, head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our lovely hostess!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

PINK SATURDAY-Pink Christmas Gifts!

I've been waiting patiently to share with all of you pink lovers the gifts that I found under the Christmas tree, and today is the day!

Another vintage pink radio! I love this little cutie, and this one will be staying in the kitchen. Santa somehow always knows exactly what I want!

Santa also brought two of these vintage Miramar Pottery hanging planters. I'd been searching Ebay for a year trying to find one of these. Thank goodness Santa has a PayPal account!

I hung one in the bedroom, and I think it looks great with the old barkcloth curtains.

The other one is hanging in the bathroom.

And my daughter gave me this cute pink cottage tin, full of chocolate chip cookies!
I'll be linking up this evening to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly hosts Pink Saturday each and every week!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Year In Junk 2010

Ahhh 2010, you were a very good year for junking! And now it is time to share a countdown of my Top Ten junk finds from this past year.....

10. Still crazy about this buck-toothed bunny and her babies!

9. A vintage lounger, with a cushion that has yards and yards of tropical barkcloth.

8. A Santa pitcher.

7. A pink tray and pink pottery heart.

6. A pretty plant stand.

5. It was a very good year for picnic baskets.....

4. I've wanted one of these plant stands for years, but they were always way too expensive. Here's proof that if you wait, it will come!

3. An old turquoise transistor radio from the flea market.

2. Vintage pink kitchen clock. I had to take out the wiring and make it battery operated. $2 at the flea market + $3 clock kit= one snazzy clock!

1. I'd been doing some very vocal complaining (just ask Mr. Old Glory) that I couldn't find any vintage bluebirds at my price. 2010 brought me several! A sweet little old lady sold me these two for $1.

A not-so-sweet old lady sold me this pitcher for $3 I think.

And these two birds came via that very same lady, who I thought I was going to have to wrestle to get them. So once again, it being a brand new year, I feel I must warn the cranky old ladies out there that this cranky "young" lady WILL fight for her treasures!
2010 was a great junking year, and I look forward to a very junky 2011!