Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds! I tell you, it just never gets old. You know, that feeling of euphoria, when you haven't been to an estate sale in months, and you're digging through dirty dusty boxes, and you think to yourself: It just doesn't get any better than this!
There was vintage Halloween stuff.
And vintage Christmas stuff.
Gurley Candles Galore!

At this point, I was going bonkers!
Look at these beautiful candle holders!
With little wreaths that go at the top of the candles. The one holder is a little broken up, and needs something stuffed in there to hold up the candle, but I don't care!
A poodle with freakish pink rhinestone eyes.
You might think it strange, but this Old Maid game was my most exciting find at the sale. I remember playing this game alot with my niece and nephew.
The graphics are SO cute!
I think my favorite is Scary Harry. I could have bought tons more stuff, but alot of it was outrageously priced. The sale ran for three days, and they're having it again next weekend. I've got my fingers crossed that they'll finally mark everything 50% off!

Me. Still celebrating!