Let's take a peek at what's happening in the garden this week!
Something BAD happened in the garden yesterday. I had Petunia Pearl and Viola Rose out there with me while I gardened. They love being out there, and they chirp up a storm! I don't know how it happened, but somehow they got out of the cage. Thankfully Viola's wings had been clipped, so she can't fly and I was able to get her back in the cage. Last time I saw Petunia, she flew up into a tree. Viola sat outside in her cage for hours, awaiting Petunia's return, but she never came home. I miss her!
So here's what's blooming this week. Garden Loosestrife.
A lovely pink lacecap hydrangea.
Sizzlin' hot orange lilies!
And white lilies.
Several years ago I made a bunch of these cast cement leaf birdbaths. They aren't perfect like the ones you can buy, but the birds and squirrels and cats don't mind at all taking a sip of water from them!
I used big rhubarb leaves to make them.
A variety of sedum has even taken root inside one!
So that's what's blooming in the garden this week. I guess Viola and I will sit on the porch again tomorrow and wait some more......