Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Mr. Old Glory was on vacation last week, so I decided to take a vacation from the computer! It's been over a week since I've posted, so I think it's time to share some finds. I hadn't been to the flea market since May, because I've got a walloping case of Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot. If any of you suffer from it, I literally feel your pain! Recently I discovered some exercises that have really helped, so I was off to the flea market on Sunday!
I'm plum crazy about this old clock radio. I didn't even care whether it worked or not, and that's exactly what I told the man selling it. I told him I was buying it because it was cute. As soon as I got home, I was happy to see that the clock worked perfectly, but the radio did not. That is, until just a few minutes ago, when it started working and scared the you know what out of me! I can't decide whether to put it in the kitchen or living room....
I also found this old picnic basket, which has unfortunately been painted, but I think after I find the perfect decal on Ebay, it will look cute. Love the little pink clock and the pink recipe box.
Some vintage noisemakers for New Year's Eve.
She's kind of a wreck, but she was so cheap I had to get her. I used to have alot of lady head vases, but I sold all of the good ones, so now I'm just running a home for broken down (unsellable) ladies!
I also found another old globe bank. One more and it will be a collection! I actually found it at a garage sale, run by a couple of young girls who were donating all of their proceeds to a sick puppy in the neighborhood who needed an operation. How sweet is that?! They only wanted a quarter for it, but I gave them a nice donation and still got it for way less than Ebay. And I helped a sick puppy. So, did you help save lives with any of your finds???