Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Let me start by wishing all of you ghouls and boys a Happy Halloween!
My first find is actually another Ebay win. What could be better than a vintage child's watering can with a cute doggie on it?
One that has a sweet kitty on the other side too!
This pair of reindeer came from a garage sale.
What could be better than this little blue clock bank from the flea market?
A red one to match!
The pink pottery piece also came from the flea market. The flea opens at 7AM, but it was still dark out, so I didn't see that pot until I went back to the very first row and walked it all over again!
Last but not least is a vintage lipstick holder with mirror (the thing with the blue rhinestones), and the old bottle of Tweedie Bubble Bath-Toiletries For Young Girls.
I was pretty excited to learn that the flea market will continue until Thanksgiving weekend. But will the weather hold out? One thing is for sure. I need to bring a flashlight next week!