I am going to be honest with you all, and tell you that I am a woman living in fear. Fear that there is going to be payback for all of this unseasonably warm weather we've been enjoying, in the form of
snow or a

LOOK! The first tulip of the season! Surely Mother Nature wouldn't be so cruel as to snow all over these, would she?

Oh, and the cutest little blue flowers ever are blooming too! I think it's called Scilla, but I'm not sure...

I'm probably decorating the porch way too soon. But after I put the painted watering cans out, I noticed that it looks like there's room for one more can down there on the bottom. Darn, darn, darn! I have to buy another watering can now, otherwise that is just going to drive me nuts. Question is, what color would I paint it???

I even put a tablecloth on the patio table. I've been having my lunches at that table quite a bit lately, so it might as well look cute, right?

JoAnn Fabrics has some really cute tablecloths this year. This one has pretty much everything you could want in a tablecloth: polka dots, hearts, flowers, the whole shebang!

I've even started a little project, replacing the rocks around the lamp post/bike garden with that curvaceous brick edging. So far, it's: Edging-1 My Back-0. Must learn to pace myself, because there's alot of projects I want to tackle.

A shot of the hyacinths blooming in that little garden. They smell heavenly, and if only I was more limber, I'd be bending down to get a really good whiff!

Speaking of those projects that I plan to tackle, alot of them involve this paint. I stocked up big time during Menards' sale on spraypaint, and I just might go back and get more. I go through cans of Heirloom White like crazy. Sale goes 'til the end of the month. Hurry!

This is a shot of the trellis/arbor that Mr. Old Glory made for me for my birthday last year. I'm betting that this year, the thing is going to be covered by the clematises in record time!
So I know I can't be alone in my fear that this weather is just too good to be true. It's only
March. What are your thoughts?