When we started out for Indiana early Wednesday morning, it was very gloomy and drizzly, and it was like that the whole time we were there! Have you ever seen a wind farm? We passed the Fowler Ridge Wind Farm in Benton County, Indiana. I was fascinated yet creeped out by those huge turbines! They made me think of the movie War of the Worlds. Is it just me?

There are three towns with festivals going on, and this one was at Bridgeton. You can see the old mill, and the covered bridge on the right.

This is the inside of the bridge.

This is the bridge with a little waterfall.

This is the fest happening in the town of Mansfield. This fest was huge!

One of the many food vendors. The name of this one made me smile! I wish I could have taken pictures of all of the craft booths, but many had signs saying No Pictures Please. There were lots of antique booths too, but the prices were very expensive.

I just love this sign! It was on the way to our hotel in Terre Haute.

I got this McCoy vase from a sweet Amish lady selling antiques. If you enlarge the picture, you can see that it was only $2, because it was chipped! Turn it around, and no chips!

I also got these from the same Amish lady. I thought this deck of cards was pretty cool. I had to have them, because I've seen lots of crafts using them on lots of blogs!

I haggled pretty hard to get this little jar! I've always wanted one, but it was a little pricey for me. Luckily the vendor was willing to make a deal!

I thought this planter was a cupid, that I could use in my Valentine decorations. When I got it home, I realized it was a baby with a rattle! Ah well, you're still going to see it with all of the Valentine decor!

I got this pink tin, full of sewing notions, at an Amish farm having a garage sale. The little pink vase also came from a garage sale. Normally there are a ton of garage sales along the way, once you get close to the fest, but the weather was too crummy for most people I guess.

My first Santa boot! I feel a collection coming on!

dear Penni, of course I came home with something red, white and blue! This apron came out of a big basket, where everything was $2.

This Smokey the Bear!!! scarf came out of the same basket. I have loved Smokey since I was a little girl, but have never owned anything Smokey until now. So happy!

And finally, Terry @
Purple and Paisley sent me one of these old magazines that she shared for
Vintage Thingies Thursday. Click on Terry's blog there, to read the post. The magazines have really crazy crafts, ads where women are looking for their missing husbands, or a pen pal. Terry's post about these magazines is very funny! Thank you Terry! I had fun reading the magazine while we were at the hotel!