Please join me over at Coloradolady, where Suzanne is our hostess, and we get to check out lots of neat vintage stuff!
Today I would like to share the old Halloween decorations from my childhood that my Mom just let me have. When I was little, Halloween was right up there with Christmas! I loved it so much. Probably because of all the candy! The cat, above, was my very favorite decoration. It is a Beistle, and if you collect vintage Halloween decorations, you know what that means!
This big Jack O'Lantern always went on our front door. Before I even got in the house, he put a smile on my face!
A bookshelf is the temporary home of these two cats.
A close-up of one of the cats. He looks pretty sly, doesn't he?
I love these two cats to pieces! I think they look great hanging inside the white frame on the wall. Well thank you for looking at these. I know Halloween isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I sure do love it! And I've passed on that love to my daughter. She loves to find or make that perfect costume every year! Now head on over to Suzanne's to see more vintage thingies!
Very great Halloween treasures. You have them all displayed very nicely.
How fortunate for you to have Halloween decorations. In our time they were so much fun. I only got the Christmas ones from Mother.
In our time they were so much fun.
Great Halloween! I never got anything like that from my mom! lucky duck! Can't beat a vintage cat decoration in my book!
Love vintage Halloween! What fun to still have them to enjoy! My brother always carved the most amazing jack-o-lanterns which bring back to many great memories each year! Great fun!
what FUN!!..i love cats & i love the ones displayed on your shelf..
I am totally, absolutely bonkers about Halloween! The cutesy side of it, with the decorations and corn and punkins and candy and costumes! I remember similar decorations when I was a young girl, how LOVELY and in what wonderful shape yours are!!!
Hi Carol,
Love the vintage Halloween cats and pumpkins. I just have a couple of old things too. It's just fun.
Deb :)
I love Halloween too! Your vintage decorations are great and I'm sure they bring back great memories. How nice to pass it on to your daughter!
Halloween has always been my favorite! Your decorations are so cute. Now I need to find out what "Beistle" means.
I grew up with that first black cat and the giant pumpkin, too. But my mom won't let me have them.
I love your Halloween decorations. I don't think my family ever had Halloween decorations. I did have an orange cloth Trick or Treat bag with black printing. I wish I still had that.
Oh I love these!! We had these when I was growing up. The same cat! I remember coming home from school and they would be in the windows. Just simple, but it made me so excited. We had nothing like the decorations we have today. Remember the glass wax transfers?
Looked up Beistle....very interesting.
I love Halloween and I have a few
treats at my blog this week! The
cats are my favorite, love that
Beistle company, I hear they are
now making repos, the originals are
really pricey!
Our boys always loved Halloween, I never got into it-we don't celebrate it in Australia. Our newest GS [6 months old]is going to be in a skunk costume this year!
How neat to still have these great vintage decorations from your very own childhood...they are wonderful...
Love the cats. I'm guessing that first one is pretty special. I don't know anything about them. I did find a few halloween things in the attic I plan on sharing later. Maybe you can educate me on them!
What wonderful Halloween decorations.
I wish the kids today could still have as much fun as we used to..
Lucky you that your Mom saved those decorations. They look like they are in great shape too.
Great scary cats :) Love the jack-o-lantern- he put a smile on my face too!
We don't have Halloween in Finland, but I like the pumpkin decorations.
Oh, these bring back some fun memories! Great that you still ahve them!
I remember those decorations! Yours look like they are in really good shape. Thanks for sharing!
Living it up at Lakewood,
Wow! These are cool and still in such great condition!
Love your Halloween decorations! I especially love that first cat.
Vintage Halloween are so much nicer, so very much nicer than today's.
I remember back when we all had fun on Halloween - - - including church Halloween parties. Then Halloween fell into church politically incorrectness - - - and now I hesitate to even MENTION the word Halloween in SOME circles - - -
I rather miss that old fun.
You know these are fabulous! I was just thinking - last night - that all the giant blow up decorations are a bit much! seriously - people have these giantic blow up things in front of their houses!
these are terrific!
Happy VTT!
Love your Halloween decor!! My vintage collection is definitely lacking when it comes to Halloween. I'll have to work on that. Have a great day!
Your kitties bring back lots of memories---we are Halloween people, as well. We look forward to the long parade of young folks, all dressed up, who populate our street with magic that one night of the year.
We all turn on our porchlights, and we can usually sit outside and watch all the costumed kids make their rounds. We've already bought a hundred of our two-hundred candy bars per year, and will give out every one again, I hope.
Thank you for dropping in at Lawn Tea!
I remember those types of decorations at school on bulletin boards and such.
My Mom was not much for holiday decorations when we were kids.
Hope your day is fab!
Those are wicked crazy cool! I really love the two full figure cats!
Suzanne, I love your Halloween vintage treasures. It is wonderful to have the very thing you grew up with to display for Halloween. Halloween vintage items are not so common these days. If you are lucky enough to find them, they cost a fortune.
I love this time of year all, the way through Christmas.
Hugs, Jeanne
Carol. I'm just silly today. I was thinking of Suzanne and used her name on my post to you. forgive my brain flight please.
Also, those are military dolls and I do have closeups to share later.
Thanks for your visit today.
Hugs, Jeanne
I love your Halloween decorations....I wish I had the ones we had when I was little, I just have one thing...but I wish I had the paper things my mom had back then.
Have a great weekend and a wonderful VTT!
I love Hallowe'en too. Your decorations are divine!
I must go to the basement and get the scary decorations out!
Wonderful old memories..., and still in good shape.
I just love old vintage Halloween decorations.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy VTT!
I just love the decorations! It reminds me of my childhood....which was a long time ago! Thanks Carol!
I really hate to say this, but I remember some of those decorations from years ago. Just getting around to visit the VTT blogs. I love seeing everyone's offerings.
How darling are your cats. I love them and your own kitty in the princess costume. My cat would not put up with that at all
What great pieces of your childhood. Your mom gets a golden star for taking such good care of them! I think we had the same ones that you have. I don't know how anyone can resist such cool items for such a fun holiday. Thanks for sharing them. they made my night!
We only tend to celebrate Halloween here in England on the actual day. There is no big build up to it and people don't really tend to decorate, which is a shame because I love all the pumkins and Halloween decorations I've been looking at on US blogs and yours are no exception.
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