Twenty-one years ago today, at 8:10 PM, this little girl came reluctantly into the world. I say reluctantly because she was nine days overdue!

She has always been an afffectionate little sweetheart.

She has always been into fashion!

We considered her an early Christmas present, and she's been a joy ever since! If she wasn't our daughter, she'd still be someone that I'd want to know.

She's so smart, funny, kind and talented. And she's so beautiful, inside and out.
Happy Birthday Elizabeth Holly!!!
that was so cute, love you so much! <3
Daughters are a blessing indeed, and she's a sweetie and of course you had to put the Holly as the middle name!
Happy Birthday Elizabeth Holly! I love your middle name - it's so sweet.
You have a beautiful daughter Carol. I hope you all have a wonderful celebration!
Happy, happy birthday to your sweet Elizabeth Holly! What a great Christmas present.
Happy Birthday indeed! What a lovely daughter and such a sweet birthday post. Elizabeth Holly, such a pretty name.!
Happy Birthday Elizabeth Holly!
Carol, a very sweet post for your beautiful daughter!
I hope you both enjoy the day remembering all of your wonderful times together these past 21 years.
Happy Birthday to the Sugar Plum Fairy! And mom too! My girls' birthday always make me stop and think back. Where does the time go?
What a beauty! And what a perfect name for a December baby. (December babies rock, by the way. Just ask my mom.)
Happy 21st Birthday Elizabeth Holly
Our family has 6 birthdays between Dec. 6 and Jan. 1. I'm always running back to the store because I forgot a 2nd gift for someone!
Dawn Elizabeth
What lovely photos! Happy Birthday to your daughter!!
Oh what a beautiful sight. Happy happy birthday from a stranger to you in Washington. I have one of those pretty girls on the inside out too...she'll be 22 in Jan...see my blog post from yesterday!
Happy Birthday Elizabeth Holly. My youngest son was 21 on Dec 13th. And my middle son had a birthday on Dec 11th. December is a good month!
My daughters birthday is Christmas Eve. It gives another special meaning to the holidays even if it makes planning a birthday party a little harder. =)
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