I got in a fight at the flea market! Over these little bluebirds. As I was walking up to a table, I saw a lady pick these up, and then put them down. I've wanted a pair of these for a long time. So I just stood there, bided my time, and watched her pick them up again. I willed her to set them down and walk away. When she set them down, she said "No, they're too chipped." So I picked them up right away, and asked how much they were. All of a sudden, the lady starts yelling that she was going to get them! I said that I had seen her put them down and say they were too chipped. She yells real loud, "Ok, take them! Don't have a heart attack!" I yelled back, "I
WILL take them!". So I did. So why do I feel so quilty?!? The worst part is that if I had gotten to that table 5 minutes sooner, I could have gotten the pitcher she bought that matches them, for $4. You can't touch them on Ebay for less that $30!!

I also got the old kitty planter and Lefton St. Patty's girl at the flea too. Then I got out of there quick before I ran into that crazy lady again! I was afraid she might have brought her big sons with her, and they would dangle me upside down by my feet, until the bluebirds fell out of my shopping bag!

Our town had citywide garage sales going on Friday and Saturday, so I must have gone to about 50 sales. The first day was definitely the better of the two. I got that lovely old chippy plant stand for $2.

And this plant stand for $3. I've been drooling over these at several antique stores, and I'm so glad I didn't pay their $30-$50 prices.

All of these clocks set me back $3! The blue one and black one are perfect matches to a collection I have.

I'm pretty giddy over the Pyrex, which was 10 cents each! The big Corelle bowl was 50 cents, and that groovy plastic bowl was free, because it was half off on the second day, and they didn't want to charge me half of a quarter!

This little birdcage was $1, and I spray painted it pink as soon as I got home.

Love the little heart on the door. I want to plant some flowers in there and hang it on a shepard hook in the garden. Very cottagey!

This big etched mirror was only $5. I love these, and this one has a paper label that says it was made in 1946.

This huge one came from the same garage sale, also $5. I couldn't believe my luck at finding
two etched mirrors. This one belonged to the owner's Grandmother.

It will hang where this small one is hanging right now. As I was leaving the sale, I told the gal that her Grandmirror's mother would have a happy home with all of my other etched mirrors! I was so excited by these mirrors that I got a little tongue-tied!
And last but not least, a little pink planter and pink Home Sweet Home plate. All in all, a good week of junking. But I don't know if I'll go back to the flea next Sunday. Unless I go in disguise! But let it be known that I WILL fight for my finds!