Well hello there! It's so good to be able to comment on everyone's blog again, after the Blogger troubles of last week. I get more and more scared though, every time there's a problem with Blogger. I have a fear that they're going to lose all of our blogs! But I must admit, I actually got alot done around the house while not blogging! Admit it, you did too!

Before I show my pathetic finds, I'd like to honor those that have served our country. If not for them, we wouldn't enjoy the freedom that we do today.

Now, on to my sad little finds! I went to a block sale, which ended up being two blocks long. Sounds good, doesn't it? Welllll, not so much!

do love this planter.

And I guess it's always a good yard saling day when you can add a kneehugger elf to your collection. I got these ornaments at the same house as the elf. Look at all the vintage BLING! I just can't figure out if these are vintage ornaments, or just ornaments made to look old with the use of the old jewelry. Either way,
love the bling!
Ok, I don't know why I bought all of this vintage cake decorating stuff. Except for the fact that those elephants are so darn cute! And I bet we all grew up with those little flower candle holders, didn't we? The whole bag was 35 cents, so it wasn't a big investment in cuteness!

These girls were 15 cents, and they came with this humungous bottle of Coke. All of these cake decorations came from the same "little old lady" sale, and I'm thinking that back in the day, she baked some pretty fun cakes!

Wade cupids came out of the "Free Box".

And last we have some old Christmas gift tags. Also from the "little old lady" sale. Those are my favorite kind of sales, You just
know that they've got all kinds of neat stuff in their house! So, did you find anything interesting while on YOUR blog break?