I am participating in the thrifty party over at
Southern Hospitality, so if you would like to see other bloggers' finds, stop in. All of these items came from an estate sale. I have a love/hate feeling about estate sales. I love that there's a houseful of stuff, so you're bound to find something, but I hate the sign-up at 7AM (or getting a number), and then I have to come back at 9AM and can't get in a moment sooner. I hate that the pros running the sale have to get their cut, so alot of times the things are overpriced to me. AND, as I've mentioned before, it makes me sad to go through a deceased person's stuff. All that being said, I am done whining! I went back two times, and here is what I got:

Three little tablecloths, in mint condition. $3 each. They're so pretty, I can't stand it!

A cherry tray, which went behind my vintage glasses right away! It was 50 cents.

The bottlebrush wreath, which I have a collection of (big surprise...what don't I collect?), for 50 cents and the elf was also 50 cents. I loved these little guys when I was little, and I think everyone had one, didn't they?

The little windmill was $1.00, and went on my shelves on the back porch right away.

I'm real excited about finding one of these birdfeeders! When a squirrel sits on the bar, it closes access to the food! I had stopped feeding the birds the good stuff (sunflower and safflower seeds) because the squirrels were getting up on the feeders and just chowing down. With this feeder, the cardinals and bluejays will come back again. Yay!

Now, you may be asking, why would she spend good money on a squirrel figurine when she just said that they drive her crazy? Well they do drive me crazy, but they're also so cute when they chase each other up and down a tree, or hold their food (birds' food) in their little paws. And I feel bad because I just had to scrape a headless one up with a shovel in my garden and dispose of it. Oh, I
hope I don't encounter that head somewhere else in the garden!

This cement cat statue was $5.00, and worth every penny to me, although I just noticed that she is missing the tip of her tail! I have named her Penelope.

I got this lunchbox and little purse on the second day, when everything was half off. I guess that is another good thing in favor of estate sales: everything is usually half off on the second day. I bet that purse was some little girl's Easter purse! The lunchbox is a little mod, but it's cute. And now, for the piece de resistance:

Isn't it so pretty pretty?! I had two others at one point, and I sold them. I'll enjoy this one for a couple days, but then it's going on Ebay this week. I hope you found some treasures this weekend. I will be spending this next week decorating for the 4th, and weeding. I am so behind, but what with all the vacations, it wasn't a priority. I'll also show you, on the 4th, something else that I got this weekend, and it will help explain why I chose the name "Old Glory Cottage" for my blog!